“Chuck Chuck Baby” is an emotional rollercoaster that delves into the complexities of love, friendship, and self-discovery. Set in a small, working-class town, the movie follows Helen, a woman stuck in a monotonous routine working at a chicken processing factory. Her life takes a turn when her childhood best friend and former lover, Joanne, returns […]
The film captures the Beatles’ thrilling 1964 U.S. debut amidst fan hysteria. Featuring rare behind-the-scenes footage, it highlights their meteoric rise to global superstardom, beginning with their iconic performance on The Ed Sullivan Show, watched by over 73 million viewers. Show More
Elvis returned to the stage with everything to prove, reclaiming his title as the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Discover the story of his iconic ‘68 comeback that reignited his career and thrilled fans everywhere. Show More